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Through late January and February, as several churches closed to in-person services because of care around rising COVID numbers, Bishop Stephen London recognised that not every church had the capacity to offer digital services, and so offered four online Zoom services.

Over those four weeks, Bishop Steve preached a sermon series on what the gospel of Luke might be saying to us as we look at what it means to be the church in 2022. As a mainline church, we find ourselves in a tremendous time of change and challenge where many people are asking serious questions about the future of the church.

Clearly, we are at a crossroads. It is a moment of uncertainty, but it is also a great moment of hope and faith. The decisions we make over the next several years will be important in shaping the future of the church. The message of Jesus as we understand him in the Anglican church is a beautiful and life-giving vision. It is a message of love and renewal, healing and salvation, justice and peace, reconciliation and the kingdom of God.

As we make this transition in the life of the church, we need to center ourselves on Christ. Meditating on the gospel of Luke will help us to do that. What is the Gospel? Why is it so challenging and life-giving? What does it mean that we are called to live the Gospel out?