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St. Mary’s Anglican Church and Faith United Church members hosted a feast of Ukrainian food (sausages, perogies, lazy cabbage rolls and homemade desserts), for well over 260 people in support of Ukrainian Aid on Sunday evening, March 20th. The Edgerton Agricultural Hall was filled with folks from the village and as far out as Chauvin and Wainwright. So far, more than $9,100 has been raised by a small group of determined community members and a geographically extended community! It is truly amazing how a few people with big hearts can bring hope, peace, joy and love to the world around them. We are blessed to know that every dollar raised is truly a prayer for Ukrainians everywhere. Submitted by the Rev. Rachael Parker, rector, St. Mary’s, Edgerton, St. Thomas’, Wainwright
Pictured at welcome table are Lorrie Currier and Lynne Jensen; Group photo: Deanna Jackson.