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Michael Harvey’s logic that if we simply invite a person to sample our faith, God will do the rest, was met with enthusiastic support at April’s Cursillo Ultreya in Edmonton.

The Cursillo Community encourages Christians to make a friend, be a friend and bring a friend to Christ. It can be a daunting challenge, but Harvey’s toolkit provides some practical methods to smooth the way.

The UK author and speaker’s opening point was that “it takes a brave person to walk into a church for the first time.” We probably all know a neighbour or friend we’d love to invite to church but, too often, something or some fear holds us back. In fact, while 70 per cent of church-goers admit to Harvey they know the name of someone they should invite, 80-90 per cent have no immediate intention of inviting anyone.

Our fear of hearing “No” can get in the way of a spirit of invitation. “Is there someone God is inviting you to have a God conversation with?” Harvey asked. “Don’t let fear of a possible future outcome get in the way. Success is not hearing “Yes.” Success is extending the invitation and leaving the rest to God.”

It is not about merely boosting numbers in the pews. It is about inviting our brothers and sisters to the hope and peace of the Christian life.  

 - David Holehouse, Cursillo Lay Director