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On May 7, 2023, the day after the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III at Westminster Abbey in London, U.K., a special Choral Evensong was held at All Saints’ Cathedral in Edmonton. The Very Rev. Alexandra Meek, Dean of Edmonton, led the service which featured a selection of music from the Coronation sung by the Cathedral Choir, and a “Collect for King Charles.” Before the March from “The Birds of Aristophanes,” played on the organ by All Saints’ Music Director Jeremy Spurgeon, the congregation of approximately 70 people sang “God Save the King.” The following is the text from Dean Meek’s meditation:

This evening we are gathered for prayer, and we join in prayer with others across the globe for His Majesty King Charles III. Yesterday, as he was crowned, the emphasis of the ceremony was on faith and service. As the young chorister welcomed him in the name of the King of Kings, King Charles’ response was, “In his name, and after his example, I come not to be served but to serve.”

He then continued with this theme as he prayed with his own voice, in front of all who were gathered, to the God of compassion and mercy for grace to find in God’s service perfect freedom, and, in that freedom, knowledge of God’s truth. He prayed that he be a blessing to children of every faith and conviction; to help them discover the ways of gentleness and be led in the paths of peace.

We would all do well to remember His Majesty the King’s prayer. It is a call to service we must all hear. May we, as we follow the way of Christ, serve one another. May we look for paths of peace. May we be a blessing to all of God’s children.

Because it is in the care for the other that we find Christ our Saviour, already present and at work all around us. And it is in this care that we find our own faith restored.    

We read this evening and remember again that Jesus is good news to those in need, to the poor, to those seeking healing, to the oppressed, to the prisoner.  

Our faith is not about containing the mystery, or the beauty, or knowledge for a few but, rather, it is about love for one another that changes us and brings new life.  

As King Charles was presented the scriptures he was told “here is wisdom, here is royal law. These are the lively oracles of God,” because within these words we hear the calling of Jesus Christ, and they are words that call us to action. To live by Christ’s strength in service of one another.

May King Charles III be held in these prayers, and may he have the strength to live into their truth. May we also make these prayers ourselves and find in service of one another our faith strengthened and restored. Amen.

Photo of their Majesties are pictured in the Throne Room at Buckingham Palace by Hugo Burand