The City of Edmonton has designated St. Luke’s Anglican Church as a municipal historic resource.
Heritage planner Scott Ashe says the building is a good example of the way people's lives changed after World War II.
“They had survived war and the depression," he says. "They had jobs and cars and wanted their families to spread out in the suburbs. They wanted to live away from where they worked, but still worship in their own communities. St. Luke’s is indicative of the kind of modern church built in those times.”
The historical designation means St. Luke's will receive a grant from the City for rehabilitation of the building. Rector of St. Luke's, the Rev. Nick Trussell, says, “Historical designation protects the unique story and beauty of the building, its design and construction. Funding for restoration and maintenance with this non-profit partner means that it continues to be available to the public for the flourishing of the neighbourhood.”
Click here to see the City of Edmonton news release.