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Light streamed into the Indigenous Chapel at All Saints’ Cathedral, on Wednesday, illuminating glass artist Brenda Malkinson’s latest public installation, which she says took her seven months to complete. Six stained glass windows, each inlaid with smaller panels, featuring natural elements, together form a globe. They were inspired by the five smaller stained-glass panels originally designed for the chapel, which have been reinstalled in the narthex directly below the larger installation. Malkinson (left) was on hand Wednesday as the team from Perma Seal Windows & Doors worked all day. She thanked them for taking great care to install the pieces. She has been invited and plans to attend the chapel blessing on Sunday, October 1.

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that Malkinson designed the smaller stained-glass panels in the narthex. In addition to the large windows, she also previously designed the banners in the Cathedral Common hall, and the Cathedral baptismal doors.