Wearing orange and/or ribbon shirts and skirts, Archdeacon Travis Enright and members of the Edmonton diocese’s Indigenous Ministry...
Gathering outdoors against a backdrop of four tipis, nearly 60 people from four neighbouring parishes met for National Indigenous Day...
Do you remember back in the spring of 2014 when parishes around the diocese planted chokecherry trees? At the recommendation of...
Join St. Paul's United Church, 11526-76 Ave NW, Edmonton, on Sunday, October 2, 12:30 PM, for a Walk to Kihciy Askiy (Whitemud Ravine)...
The 2022 A Common Word Alberta - Muslim-Christian Dialogue will focus on "Drawing the Circle Bigger" through inclusion. All are welcome...
Hosting the Remembering the Children Weaving is one of many ideas Fiona Brownlee, Aboriginal and Rural Communities Liaison, Diocese of...
The Planning Committee of A Common Word Alberta, an Annual Dialogue between Christians, Muslims and Indigenous teachers, invites all to...
In partnership with the Strathearn and Holyrood Community Leagues, St. Luke's Anglican Church invites all to the second annual Treaty 6...