The final step for the search committee is to determine the nature and form of the information that will be made available to members of Synod concerning each nominee. The amount of information and means of sending out this information can be limited by costs. Section 9.10(i)(iii) requires the committee to adhere to cost limits established by Executive Council relating to the production of materials. The second limitation is that the information given to members of Synod must be in the same form for each nominee. Growing ease with electronic communications might assist the Committee this year in what it can obtain and supply. Whatever form it takes, however, all this information must be presented by the search committee to the Administrator no later than June 5, 2021.  

The search committee nomination process comes to a formal end at the Synod when the committee presents its report. This report can be a brief summary of the steps taken by the committee to carry out of its functions. It should contain nothing about the specifics of deliberations concerning any specific person. At the end of the report, the names of the nominees whom the committee has decided to nominate are formally placed in nomination.