Extraordinary friendship and abundant talent made for an unforgettable Advent performance by English poet-priest Malcolm Guite and...
On May 11th, 2008 the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton consecrated The Right Reverend Dr. Jane Alexander as the 10th Bishop of Edmonton....
On a beautiful spring day, members of All Saints’ Anglican Cathedral traded in their clerical collars and office attire for hard hats...
May 3-6, Edmonton Diocese hosted the 49th Synod of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert's Land (EPRL*), and it all started on the...
On the evening of May 18, 2018 (one week after the actual date) members of Edmonton Diocese gathered at All Saints' Anglican Cathedral...
On September 30, the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, and the day many members of the Edmonton diocese wore orange shirts and...
All Saints’ Cathedral hosted its 4th annual Red Dress Memorial Service on the evening of October 4. The candle-lit prayer vigil was...
Jeremy Spurgeon, Director of Music at All Saints’ Anglican Cathedral, was presented an Honorary Doctor of Letters degree at the...
A multi-parish congregation gathered at All Saints’ Cathedral Sunday evening, June 2, 2019, for a Choral Evensong service celebrating...
All Saints' Cathedral and the Diocese of Edmonton are looking for a rector and dean. You will be an experienced priest who will work...
The Diocese of Edmonton and All Saints’ Cathedral are looking for a Dean. You will be an experienced priest who will work closely with...
PDF Fr. Michael Lapsley's Sermon to 66th Synod “This is my vision for our churches: that they become places of belonging, places of...
When outdoor temperatures plummet, as they have this week, patrons of All Saints' Manna Market are grateful for the opportunity to...
The Anglican Foundation’s Board of Directors will be having its spring meeting in Edmonton this year. All are invited to an Evensong...
At All Saints’ Cathedral we are trying to adapt to our new normal created by the Covid-19 crisis. It is important we continue, as long...
The Rev. Rebecca Harris was ordained an Anglican priest in the Diocese of Edmonton on March 25, 2020, the Annunciation of the Lord to...
Updated April 13, 2021 An online Farewell Service of Thanksgiving for Bishop Jane will be hosted by the Very Rev. Alex Meek and All...
Join All Saints' Cathedral online Easter Sunday morning, 11 am, in welcoming Bishop Jane for her last official service.
With a determined focus to move into where God is calling her and members of the Edmonton diocese next, and in celebration of all that...
All Saints' Cathedral, 10035-103 St, Edmonton, is holding an All Saints' Day Eucharist on Monday, November 1, 12:10 pm. All are welcome...
During the week of May 24, Alison Hurlburt, weaver and lay evangelist, caught up with her travelling loom at All Saints’ Cathedral....
Wearing orange and/or ribbon shirts and skirts, Archdeacon Travis Enright and members of the Edmonton diocese’s Indigenous Ministry...
The 68th Synod followed the theme of Together on the Way and featured the principles and goals of the Edmonton diocese's strategic...
Volunteers led by Jennifer Rees and Darlene and Randy Niederhaus prepared an Outreach Christmas Luncheon featuring a turkey dinner with...
The Rt. Rev. Stephen London is pleased to announce that God Willing he will ordain to the Transitional Diaconate, and to the...
Standing before Bishop Stephen London, their parishes, family, friends and members of the Diocese of Edmonton, the Rev. Lisa Wojna and...
Bishop Stephen London is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Nick Trussell as Assisting Priest at All Saints' Cathedral as...
The next clergy day will be a Chrism Mass on the Tuesday in Holy Week, March 26, at All Saints' Cathedral, Edmonton. This is the annual...
The Anglican Diocese of Edmonton celebrated the ordination of two deacons and the installation of its chancellor on Pentecost Sunday,...